I apologize for not adding the memories that I have received the last few months. I will be adding throughout the following week. Please continue to send your memories. We will keep the blog up to add to the memories page as you continue to send them. We will be working to take the memories you send to make books for our families. Thanks for being there for us and being willing to share. Send your memories to matthew.g.caldwell@gmail.com


Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Big Change

Throughout the week Kathie has seemed to have some extra strength. She has been awake for longer periods of time, she has wanted to be more mobile, and she took an hour to enjoy the beautiful weather on Thursday. However, on Friday this week her health took a major decline.
She has always liked keeping things in order.  Her new favorite is winding her oxygen cord.
Her memory has grown weaker, she has lost her mobility, and the impending future is becoming more real. The hospice staff have determined that she is nearing the end of her battle. Saturday morning all of our family was informed and many of us have been at her side throughout the day.
It is difficult to restrain tears as we each consider what the future brings but the knowledge of an eternal family brings us comfort. In the next few days there is a chance that she may leave us to return to our Heavenly Father, her daughter Heather, and other family members. However, each of us hopes for something that only the gospel can bring, one day more.


Nettie Martin said...

I prayed the whole drive up today that I would be strong and have my emotions under control so that I could be of comfort to you guys....but in return I felt like you guys were the ones doing the comforting. Your strength is amazing. I can't express adequately how much my Aunt Kathie has meant to me. How much I love her. Sharing her today so that we could all express our love for her meant the world. Thank you. Know that we are praying for you all. I love my Caldwell cousins!

Carolyn L. said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all and especially with that wonderful woman that you call, mother, wife, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend......

Joey said...

Kathie has always been one of the kindest, sweetest people I know. Her wit and wisdom has made me laugh and given me encouragement over the many years that I have known her. Our prayers are with her as she continues to be a beautiful example to all of us.

Cambria said...

Katie is in our prayers- We love her and your entire family

Lots of love