I apologize for not adding the memories that I have received the last few months. I will be adding throughout the following week. Please continue to send your memories. We will keep the blog up to add to the memories page as you continue to send them. We will be working to take the memories you send to make books for our families. Thanks for being there for us and being willing to share. Send your memories to matthew.g.caldwell@gmail.com


Friday, March 25, 2011

Thank You!

To each of you who take the time to visit this blog THANK YOU. I truly love and appreciate each of you and your care and concern for my sweetheart. Each day is precious and we pray for one more day with quality of life. Kathie is declining rapidly and demonstrates significant confusion caused by the brain tumors. She sleeps a lot and this will continue to increase. For those of you wanting to visit, please know that your visits are precious and feel welcome to come spend time with her. For those who have volunteered to help spend time with her, thank you. Your help gives me peace of mind as I continue to try and keep my life going. The hours I spend away from home trying to work are much easier knowing that all of you are helping make sure Kathis is well cared for. I would also like to recognize the help from Hearts for Hospice. They are helping us care for Kathie's medical needs and providing support to us as a family. With our combined efforts Kathie will know she is loved and each day that remains will be one day more we can cherish. Love Raymond

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